We stand committed to assisting those in need by giving a hand-up, not a "hand-out."
907 Campbell Avenue
(307) 634-8499
The name of this organization shall be Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless, hereafter referred to as WCH.
The WCH shall be a non-profit organization formed for charitable and educational purposes. It shall be
incorporated under the laws of the State of Wyoming.
It shall be the purpose of the WCH to decrease the incidence of homelessness, improve the quality of service
to homeless people, effect systemic change, and impact the institutional roots of homelessness. This will be
accomplished through education, advocacy, direct services, and resource development.
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for policy making, planning, and supervising the
administration and fiscal affairs of WCH. It shall adopt an annual operating budget, establish rules and
regulations for conduct of the business of WCH, and may delegate to one or more members of the Board, or
to its officers, agents, or employees, such powers and duties as may be deemed necessary and proper.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall be composed of not less than 3 and not more than 11 members. All
terms of office shall be for a minimum of 3 years. At the end of a term, members in good standing will have
the option of continuing. Vacancies may be filled by the Board, with appointees beginning their designated
term upon selection of the Board.
Section 3: The Board of Directors shall consist of representatives from all areas of the community, including
minorities and formerly homeless individuals and persons experienced in administration and fiscal
Section 4: Board members shall not profit from WCH business transactions or from information gained
during the conduct of WCH business. Board members receive no compensation.
Section 5: Expectations of a board member:
1) Attend meetings as scheduled. Attend at least 75% of scheduled meetings.
2) Respond to e-mails/text or other correspondence in a timely manner.
Section 6: A Board member having three consecutive unexcused absences from regular Board Meetings shall
be automatically removed from the board and notified by the Chairperson. An unexcused absence is defined
as: no call, no show and/or failure to give at lease a 2 hour notice prior to the meeting.
Section 7: When warranted, a removal of a board member may be necessary. An appointed member of the
board may meet with the member in question and request a resignation or the board meets formally, votes
and removes the member. Resignations of any Board member or member-at-large must be done in writing to
the Board 10 days prior to any action. Any property used by the member will be returned upon resignation
or removal to the President of the Board or a designated member.
Section 8: The Board of Directors shall have the responsibility of hiring and terminating the
Executive Director. The job description shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The Executive
Director shall be the Administrative and Program Officer of WCH. The Board of Directors shall
provide for the hiring of other employees as the program demands and as funds allow. The hiring and
terminating of these employees shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director, with approval by the
Board of Directors. Specific descriptions of duties of these individuals shall be listed in the WCH continuity
book or on the website.
Section 9: A person having a complaint against WCH, the Executive Director, the Board or policies and
procedures is to first bring their complaint to the Executive Director for discussion and explanations. Should
the person making the complaint not be satisfied with the decision of the Executive Director that person is to
put the complaint in writing, address it to the board, and give it to the Executive Director who will pass it on
to the board. The board will review the complaint, interview the Executive Director and the person
complaining if deemed necessary, and make the final decision on the issue. Unsigned complaints will not be
considered, nor will rumors. Complaints must be signed.
Section 1: The officers of WCH shall be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer with the
duties usually pertaining to these offices. They shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve until the
next annual meeting, with the option of serving more than one term. Any vacancies occurring during the
year shall be filled by the Board, and those so designated shall hold office for the unexpired term of the
person being replaced.
Section 2: The Board Chairperson, Treasurer, and Executive Director shall be listed, with the bank, as
eligible for signing WCH checks.
Section 3: Board Treasurer will review the Financial Statement, the Checkbook Register, the Bank
Statement and the Donation List monthly for accuracy. The Treasurer with annotate each document with the
Reviewed and Approved Stamp and will sign and date each document. The Executive Director will provide
the required documents to the Treasurer by the 10 th of the following month. The Treasurer will return
finalized documents to the Executive Director for filing, within 5 days.
Section 1: The Chairperson with the consent of the Board shall appoint standing committees and
committee chairpersons as are deemed necessary to effectively realize the purposes of WCH. Any
vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled by the Board, and those so designated shall hold office
for the unexpired term of the person being replaced.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall consist of the four elected officers, and two at-large
board members chosen by election at the annual meeting.
Section 3: The Nomination Committee shall be charged by the Chairperson, at least two months
before the Annual Meeting, with submission of a slate of one or more nominees for each vacant position of
the Board of Directors. The Committee shall also present a slate of officers of consideration by the
Board of Directors.
Section 1: The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year. At a minimum, quarterly meetings
will be held to best serve the majority of those able to attend. Meetings may be held more frequently as
deemed necessary by the Chairperson. A regular time and place shall be determined by the Board.
Section 2: Three members of the Board of Directors shall be considered a quorum for any meeting of
the Board. Board members with excused absences shall be allowed to vote by proxy.
Section 3: The Chairperson, or a designated person, may poll the Board, by phone or email, between
meetings if deemed necessary, and the majority decision will stand.
Section 4: The agenda for all meetings shall include the following: minutes, treasurers
financial report, Committee reports, old and new business, and general discussion.
Section 5: The Secretary or designated representative shall provide, within 10 days of the meeting, to Board
Members and the Executive Director, copies of the minutes.
WCH shall not discriminate or limit services or hiring of employees or volunteers because of race, color,
religion, age, sex, handicap, family status or national origin.
The By-laws shall be periodically reviewed and updated by the Board. By-laws may be amended or revise by
a majority vote of the Board, provided the Board has been notified of such proposed amendment of a
revision at least two weeks in advance of that meeting.
If this organization is dissolved, its assets shall be distributed to another organization or organizations
qualified under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The organization(s) to benefit from this
distribution will be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. No assets may be distributed to
individual members.
ADOPTED THIS 10 th DAY OF January 2023